Hi, I’m Steven. I live in a very small town in eastern North Carolina and I love to cook. By day I work in the ER doing CAT scans, but when I’m not scanning cats (I’ve heard that damn joke way too many times) or trying to find where the razor blades are that a patient swallowed (happens more than you think) I like to be in my kitchen cooking.

I’ve loved to cook since I was very young when I would stand in my grandmother’s kitchen, which I’m proud to say is now my kitchen, and watch her work her magic. Back then I considered myself a gourmet chef because I mastered Hamburger Helper. I am by no means a gourmet cook now, but I have come a long way from boxed dinners.

Here in eastern North Carolina we of course love our staples: fried chicken, collard greens, biscuits & gravy, etc, but we also love all other kinds of food from Italian to Asian. Go to a family reunion or church homecoming here in the south and you’ll see a smorgasbord of dishes. I’m always trying to find new things to cook up. I try to make meals that most anyone can whip up and not have to go to three different stores to find the ingredients. I love it when I can make a meal in advance and just throw it in the oven when I’m ready for it or right before friends come over. That’s my jam!

I started this blog because I have always wanted to do something with food. It’s my passion. It’s what I do to escape this crazy world. Here I’ll share family recipes, tips & tricks I’ve learned along the way, some of my favorite kitchen tools that I couldn’t live without, and other things that make my world go round.

Thanks for visiting!


Me and my baby, Belle